How To Install Singer Vertical Needle Zipper Foot

Clothes, bags and many other sewn items need zippers. For many tailors, adding a zipper is a complicated process.

However, this does not have to be the case. A vertical needle zipper foot, is a sewing machine accessory that makes it easier to fix a zipper.

You can easily fix a zipper into any sewn item and different fabrics. The only thing you need to know is how to install the zipper foot.

How to Install Singer Vertical Needle Zipper Foot

The Singer vertical needle zipper foot has a long bar that divides it into two parts. Attach it to the sewing machine shank depending on the side of the zipper you are working on. Using it prevents your sewing machine needle from snagging and spoiling your zipper.

Follow these steps for a quick zipper foot installation.

Step 1. First make sure that your sewing machine is turned off. Safety is paramount when dealing with sewing machines and needles closely.

Step 2. Lift the sewing machine vertical needle.

Step 3. Lift the presser foot.

Step 4. Bring in your zipper foot to align with the presser foot position.

Step 5. If you will start sewing the zipper on from the left side, attach the left side of the zipper foot to the sewing machine shank. Change to the right side to sew the right side of the zipper.

Step 6. Lower your presser foot and make sure that the zipper foot is properly fixed.

Step 7. Get your needle into position and fix your zippers without a hitch.

How to Use The Zipper Foot

The first thing when using the zipper foot is to decide the best side to start installing the zipper. If you start on the right side, clip the right side of the zipper foot onto the sewing machine shank.

Prepare your zipper for fixing by attaching it to the fabric or clothes with pins or sewing it on by hand. Make sure that your zipper is open while fixing it to the fabric.

Now, bring your zipper to the sewing machine. Start with the side of the zipper foot that is fixed to the sewing machine. This makes it possible to align the zipper area to the sewing machine.

With your zipper foot in place, bring your zipper to the sewing machine needle. The zipper foot allows you to manage how much space you will leave between your zipper teeth and the fabric around it.

Benefits of Using a Zipper Foot When Fixing Zips

Zipper foots have several advantages to tailors and anyone who would like to dabble in sewing. Here are some of the benefits of using this useful sewing accessory.

The main advantage of a zipper foot, is that it allows you to fix a zipper without spoiling its teeth. Experienced professional tailors trust in this small accessory for easy fixing of zippers.

Another benefit of the zipper foot is that it allows you to adjust the position of the needle. This makes it possible to sew in any positions as you go along the zipper line if need be.

Makes it easy to add piping to your sewing projects. Zipper feet make it easier to sew as close to the edge of the fabric as possible. To add piping effectively, you have to sew it along the edge of your project. This is true for curtains, cushions and pillows which use piping for decoration a lot.

Zipper feet are quite easy to find. You can find them easily in any crafts shop. You can also buy them from the manufacturer’s online shops for the best style for your sewing machine.

Do I Have to Use a Zipper Foot to Attach A Zipper?

A foot zipper is an important accessory for any sewing machine. To add a zipper to your clothes and other sewing projects you do not need a zipper foot. However, since it is designed for this purpose, it makes light work of fixing zippers.

You can use your regular sewing foot to add zippers. Adding zippers is a difficult task. Many hobby tailors take long before they can do it successfully. Lots of practice helps to get you comfortable to carry out this task. With the correct knowledge, you can use any tool.

Types of Zipper Foot That You Can Buy

Different types of sewing projects need different types of zippers. As such there are different types of zipper foot. Different zipper foot types serve the same purpose. They ensure that you do not run your needle on the zipper’s teeth.

Here are the different types of zipper foot you can use for your projects.

Invisible zipper foot

The invisible zipper foot is used to fix the invisible zipper. This zipper foot is structurally different from the others. It has a hole in the middle.

This hole makes it possible for the sewing machine needle to be centered. As a result, a zip is easily fixed with a center line smoothly, thus an invisible zipper.

Invisible zippers are most common in women’s fashion. Fixed in the center of a dress, the untrained eye cannot easily tell where the dress is fastened from. This zipper foot cannot be used for any other type of zipper.

Standard zipper foot

The standard zipper foot is part of the accessories that are bought together with the sewing machine. It has different designs depending on its manufacturer. However, it contains the most common feature of zipper foots. A right and left notch. On these notches, the sewing needle is aligned as a zipper is fixed. The notches allow for easy fixing of zippers on either side, in turns.

It is used mostly to fix men’s clothes zippers and other sewed items that need zips. This zipper foot can also be used for top stitching.

Adjustable zipper foot

The adjustable zipper foot can handle all types of zip fixing. You can use it to fix the invisible zip and the standard zip. It can also be used for other purposes such as piping.

It is preferred for many of these purposes due to its main feature. It is easy to move around on the sewing machine. Like the standard zipper foot, it can also be moved right and left to fix zippers.

How to Sew Zips for Feginners

For beginner sewers, fixing zips is one of the most complicated tasks to learn and complete successfully. Many have attempted to give up. Choosing to do all other types of sewing, without fixing zips.

With time, as they get used to other complicated sewing processes, they can ease in into fixing zippers. Zipper foots are the main tools of trade that enable tailors to do as best as they can to fix zippers.

Types of zippers

A fully functional zip has different parts. Zipper teeth are the part that allows for the opening and closing of zips. They are commonly made in plastic and steel. Although you can find others in different materials.

The zipper slider enables opening and closing by running across the teeth.

There are also different types of zippers that one can use. The normal zippers we have around are known as conventional zippers. They are open on one end while the other end is sewn down.

Separating zippers are their opposite. These zippers are not sewn off on any side. Only attached to a piece of clothing. Invisible zippers, disappear into the seam they are sewn in.

They are, however, open on one end and sewn in on the end. They are considered fashion accessories.

For all zipper types, sewing machine zipper foots are the essential tool to help fix. They make it easy to align and affix the zippers on clothes. For all types of zippers, use the correct zipper foot to fix and the results will be outstanding even for beginner tailors.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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