How To Sew A Pillow Cover Without a Zipper

Sewing a pillow cover is a blast, and anyone can do it. There are not such technicalities that you have to know to start sewing. Once you read this content, you can definitely start with it.

We have explained the procedure in the simplest, so our readers do not find it difficult to understand it. Spend some time reading this article to know the steps, and after that, you can do it at home.

How To Sew A Pillow Cover Without a Zipper?

Sew Pillow Cover Without Zipper

Sewing a pillow cover is super easy and does not consume much time. After learning the process, you can prepare different sizes and shapes of pillow covers.

Many are interested in sewing pillow covers at home, but they do not know the process. Why don’t you be with us as we are enclosing all the information regarding the same?

Steps To Sew A Pillow Cover Without Zipper

Step 1: Wash And Press The Fabric

Wash And Press The Fabric

Wash the fabric that you are using to make the pillow cover beforehand. If you do not wash, the unwashed sewn fabric can shrink later. With that, it causes seam rippage, which can be removed.

Wash and hang the pillow cover out so that it dries up. It will help in keeping the pillow cover in shape. In case you are in a hurry and do not have time to wash, you can press the fabric, at least.

Step 2: Tools Needed And Fabric

The tools you will require to sew the fabric are matching thread, ? to 1-yard fabric, scissors, measuring tape, sewing pins, pencil/pen for marking, measuring tape, ruler, sewing pins, and sewing machine.

Step 3: Measuring The Pillow Cover

It is the dead easy step, and two ways are there to do so:

Covered Pillow: If you already have a pillow cover, take that out, measure across to know the size. After that, add one inch to all the sides and cut the new pillow cover cloth.

Uncovered Pillow: Use a measuring tape to find the size of the pillow and measure from seam to seam. Once you have the dimensions, add one inch to each side.

Suppose the measurement is 17 * 27 pillow, so you should cut a piece of cloth of 18 * 28. Altogether, three parts will be required, two for the back and one for the front.

Step 4: Measuring And Cutting The Fabric

Measuring And Cutting The Fabric

As one piece is 18 * 28, the remaining two pieces should be ten inches in the length, like 18 * 18. Here are some measurement details based on different sizes of pillows.

For Square Pillows: Cut two pieces of height +1 and length -6 and one of height and length of +1. To estimate and cut, you must flip the cloth, so you have the wrong side facing up.

Use a pen and ruler to mark the panels, and in that way, you can have a square cutout. You can use regular scissors or pinking shears to cut the panels.

For Long Pillows: Cut one piece of which is of your height +1 and length +1. Cut two pieces, which are of height 1 and length -10. Removing 10 inches can be too short for some pillows. Ensure at least 4 inches of overlap with back panels is there.

Step 5: Hemming The Bank Panels

On your ironing board, lay the fabric on the wrong side facing up. While making a pattern, ensure it is in line. After that, move to the outside edge of the smaller panels.

Fold ? inch of fabric and press down using iron and sew the hem down. It should be done 1/8 inch from the inside edge and backstitch at the end and beginning of the stitches.

Step 6: Sew The Main And Back Panel Of The Cover Together

Use ? inch seam allowance and take out the main panel to keep it flat right side up. Take a smaller panel and keep the wrong side up of the main panel. Pin it with the main panel once your edges are aligned.

After that, lay the second panel and pin it too. Put extra pins where the overlapping of the two panels takes place. It allows them to be in the proper place and avoid shifting.

Sew them all around while backstitching at the end and beginning.

Step 7: Clip The Corners And Put It Right Side Down

After sewing, all the sides, press it appropriately when it is on the wrong side. Trim the corners as it gives nice sharp corners after you turn them right side out.

Flip the cover side out, and with the help of a knitting needle, a crochet hook, and a pointed object, you can poke out the corners.

Step 8: Stuff The Pillow In The Cover

Stuff The Pillow In The Cover

After you have completed sewing, you can stuff the pillow inside the cover. It is quick, and you are done. With that, you can continue to sew as many pillow covers as you want.

Important Things To Keep In Mind

A few things are there to always keep in mind while sewing a pillow cover, and they are:

Cutting The Fabric Properly

It is the most vital task, and while starting for the first time, many commit mistakes. Remember, you should never cut it neither too short nor too long. If it is too short, you cannot prepare with that.

If it is too long, you have to cut down and waste the cloth. It is better to measure the pillow cover and take one inch extra on each side and cut the cloth. It is the right to cut down the fabric.

Sewing Machine

Sewing Machine

Make sure to have a sewing machine before you start preparing a pillow cover. Some people prefer hand stitching which will not give you optimum output.

Even if you are stitching with your hand, ensure to do it with a sewing machine at the end. It gives a better finish and looks like some professional has made the cover.

Wash The Cloth Before Sewing

It is always recommended to wash the fabric before you start sewing. It’s because the fabric will shrink after that, and if you do not, you will see the cover looks improper afterward.

To avoid that, wash the fabric as you get it from the market and let it dry. Once everything is done, iron it and start cutting the cloth as per the dimension.

As you start, you will love to do it again. Hopefully, now you can say that it is not tough to sew a pillow cover. In case you need some more assistance, you can check some online videos. On YouTube, several contents are there that will brief you about the same.

Is It Easy To Sew Pillow Covers Without Zippers At Home?

Yes, it is easy to sew pillow covers without zippers at home. No training or expert guidance is required to learn the process. The above steps are sufficient for a beginner to understand and start sewing.

Most importantly, a few things are there that you must always have with you before you start. They are matching thread, scissors, measuring tape, ? to 1-yard fabric, sewing pins, measuring tape, ruler, pencil/pen for marking, sewing pins, and sewing machine.

Do I Need A Sewing Machine To Sew A Pillow Cover?

Yes, you will require a sewing machine to sew the pillow cover. If you prefer hand stitching, then the outcome of the cover won’t be satisfying. It does not look like some professionals have made, and that’s why you should sew using a machine.

The operation of a sewing machine is not simple, and you can read the manual to start. Otherwise, you can check some videos to have a clear understanding, following which you can operate.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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