How Do You Use Sulky Sticky Fabri-Solvy

You can use a sulky sticky fabri solvy by getting the design printed. You can do that with the help of tracing, and then using the stabilizer, and finally getting it printed with the help of a printer. After that, peel the backside and stick to your fabric, and with that, you can wear the cloth.

Nothing can be worse than being unable to transfer the embroidery pattern which you want to. At times, you may come across some pattern that you want to trace but cannot do so.

Other times, it is because of the complicacy that tracing seems to be impossible. Considering that, sulky sticky fabri solvy is a suitable solution to go ahead with.

How Do You Use Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy?

If you want to bring a photograph to life in the form of art, the easiest way is to use sulky sticky fabri solvy. It is a great way to capture the most beautiful things.

If you wish to know the step-by-step procedure of how to use sulky sticky fabri solvy, check here.

Method 1: Use Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy

Step 1: Pick on the pattern that you wish to print on your fabric. You can go with any kind of design, and there is no hard and fast rule here.

Step 2: Two ways are there to get the design on the fabric. One is by cutting a piece of stabilizer, putting the pattern over it, and then tracing using a hand and pencil.

Step 3: It is the easiest method for relatively simple and small patterns. While doing so, you must ensure to print the pattern on the stabilizer side and not on the other side.

Step 4: Another method is to get the pattern printed on the stabilizer, and it fits perfectly on the ink-jet printer. If you have a long piece, you must cut it into the required size.

Step 5: Ensure you have set the printer to draft, which means less ink will be used. After that, load it into the printer and check if it is in the correct orientation.

Step 6: Now, you have to print the pattern on sulky sticky fabri solvy and take out the release sheet. Now cut around the pattern keeping a wide margin, so sticking on the fabric is easy.

Step 7: If you do not keep enough sulky sticky fabri solvy around the pattern, it will be difficult for you to stitch.

Step 9: As you complete, take the piece of cloth to place the design. The best part to place the pattern is where the color has faded or the print has come out.

Step 10: Take the embroidery hoop, and after that, you must place a cloth in it. Make sure you do not pull the fabric in the hoop too tight. It’s because the fabric will come out when you want to separate the hoop.

Step 11: The tension of the fabric should be kept the same as the fabric solvy tension. As it gets done, you must stitch the design and remember it is sticky.

Step 12: When stitching, you may find the needle has some sticky substance, but it is normal. Some people may find it annoying when stitching, but it looks great once the project is over.

Step 13: While doing so, you must use different colors of threads to make it look beautiful and similar to the picture. Also, try to do small stitches, and it may require your concentration.

Step 14: Stitch through both layers above the design and continue the process until you complete it.

Step 15: Take the design out from the embroidery hoop as you complete the entire thing. Cut around the picture in the same pattern as the design.

Step 16: Following this, under warm water, you have to run the sulky sticky fabri solvy for a few minutes.

Step 17: Sometimes, you may need to keep the cloth underwater until the fabri solvy comes out completely.

Step 18: Keep the cloth in between two towels, and you have to press the embroidery to take out the excess water from it. After that, you must keep it flat so that the cloth dries up.

Method 2: Use Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy While Working With Felt

Step 1: Here, you have to use small scraps of sulky on the project you wish to work on. Now you have to draw the pattern by keeping the piece of cloth over it.

Step 2: Cut it around the edge and stick sulky to the front of your cloth. You have to stick both the felt and sulky and start stitching. It is small, so you have to put tiny stitches.

Step 3: After you complete the stitching part, you have to place the pieces on a bowl containing water.

Step 4: As you are working with wool, try to use cold water and keep it there for around half an hour.

Step 5: You will find that the sulky bits are becoming gummy, and it starts floating to the top. The pen used to draw the sketches is soluble, so all the ink will disappear when you keep it in water.

Step 6: Some people freak out when they see the pen color but don’t worry, it won’t be there on your final product.

Step 7: Now, you must take it out from the water and wash it with lukewarm water. Keep the pieces to dry up and make sure you are not using direct heat.

Step 8: To make it look flat and nice, you can iron the wool at low heat. You can also air dry it and get back to the sewing task.

Step 9: By using sulky in this way, you can make the embroidery look professional. Thus, it is a great way to try some new embroidery designs which are difficult to get in the market.

Things To Keep In Mind While Doing Sulky Sticky Gabri Solvy

While carrying out the process, a few things are there that you should keep in mind. If you do not avoid that, you won’t get the optimum result.

  • Use Premium Quality Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy

Make sure you use premium quality Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy, or else you cannot complete the project. When you take out the page, you will see the print is coming out.

Also, when you get the pattern printed on the stabilizer, it may not look great, following which you cannot do the stitching properly.

  • Stitch The Pattern According To The Design

The stitching needs to be about the pattern or else the design you want, and you won’t get it. Also, it would help if you prefer doing small stitches to make it look attractive.

The process can take some time, but it will look good when you complete the entire thing. While stitching, you will find the needle becomes a bit sticky, but you should not pay much attention to it.

  • Stitch The Fabric And Fabric Solvy

While stitching, you have to stitch both, and afterward, when it’s done, you can place it in water. Many people commit the mistake of stitching the fabric only. But it would help if you did both, so the design comes out properly.

  • Use A Lighter Fabric

The fabric where you want the design to be printed should be lightweight. Otherwise, you cannot do the stitching properly, and the design will look messy.

Hence, wherever you go ahead with a sulky sticky fabri solvy, you should take a soft and light piece of fabric.

Hopefully, by following the steps and any methods, you can use sulky sticky fabri solvy. It is a great way to try out some new patterns on your own.

The product is available in the market so it won’t be difficult for you to get it. Thus, try this out, and if you want some more information, you can check some videos.

Why Do Sewing Professionals Use sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy?

Sewing professionals use it to get beautiful designs printed on the cloth. Suppose you want to get an image of your friends stitched on your t-shirt.

Here you can go ahead with Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy, as with that, you can stitch any complicated print. It is also a great way to make your t-shirt look new or hide the faded parts.

How Difficult is The Process Of Sulky Sticky Fabri Solvy, And How Much Time It Takes?

The process is not difficult, and after reading the above procedure, you can do it on your own. The time to complete the process varies from one person to another.

If it is a complex design, you will require more time or else not. Additionally, it depends on your stitching speed. If you are excellent at stitching, you can complete the project sooner.

But make sure you pick the right product while doing so, as you cannot do in heavy fabric. It is always better to use a lightweight cloth while doing the task if you want the design to come appropriately.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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