How To Make A Wood Embroidery Hoop

The art of crafting is as old as time itself, and just like everything else, it has also evolved with time. The embroidery craft has been around for ages and won’t be going away anytime soon.

Your fabric can lose its texture and feel if it is not properly stitched on a piece of embroidery equipment. The wood embroidery hoop as been employed by professional sewers for decades due to its ease of use. This article is aimed at providing you with all the necessary steps involved in making a wood embroidery hoop for your fabrics.

How To Make A Wood Embroidery Hoop

  • Measure an 18” diameter radius on your polished wood and makea round incision mark at its radius.
  • Make a hole big enough for the jigsaw blade to enter and cut out a circle.
  • Measure a 7-centimeter mark and drill another hole to insert the 14” diameter radius wood.
  • Cut open one side of the 18” diameter hoop. Install the screw and binder on both edges
  • Put in the 14” diameter wooden hoop frame into the 18” diameter frame and join together with the screw and the binder

Why Are Woods Commonly Used For Making Embroidery Hoop?

You should have the following items at your disposal when you want to make a wood embroidery hoop

  • Polished wood
  • Jigsaw
  • Measuring tape
  • Screw binder, screw, and screw holder
  • Drill machine/drill bit
  • Pencil

Making a wood embroidery hoop is not a heinous task as you might have presumed. You may have been trying to design your embroidery hoops but have not gotten the steps right. It requires absolute precision and attentiveness from you.

Wooden hoops are mostly available in sizes ranging from 4-inch to 12-inch diameter. The 5, 6, or 8-inch sizes are primarily used. You should also know that the wooden embroidery hoop is highly recommended for making lovely embroideries.

If you want your stitching to have an aesthetic feel, then you need a hoop for designing your stitches. Asides the fact that using a hoop beautifies your amazing designs, it also gives it an added layer of protection from damage as you can remove your embroideries from the hoop when not in use and fix it back without any hassle.

As you already know, wood is highly rated when it comes to artistic designs that come with an ergonomic feel, and as such, it is commonly employed when it comes to comfort and efficiency.

Here are some reasons why woods are commonly used for making embroidery hoops;

  1. Woods are easily accessible and relatively inexpensive.
  2. Depending on the type of wood, they are durable and solid, e.g., birch-wood
  3. Wood is a natural insulator of heat, and thus cannot be destroyed by temperature.
  4. It is long-lasting and highly durable.
  5. They require less maintenance.
  6. Woods can be effortlessly polished and painted to bring out the beauty in your embroidery.

Now that you can finally make your wood embroidery hoop, it is also essential to know why woods are commonly used for making embroidery hoop.  There are other types of materials that can be used for making embroidery hoops, e.g., springs and PVC.

Embroidery hoops made from wood promises to stand the test of time except you to apply too much pressure when trying to stitch your fabric on it. If you have read to this stage, then you have probably attempted to construct your wooden embroidery hoop, but now, you don’t know if the wood material you used is the best choice. This brings us to the next question;

What Makes A Good Wood Embroidery Hoop?

Wooden hoops are mostly available in sizes ranging from 4-inch to 12-inch diameter. The 5, 6, or 8-inch sizes are primarily used. You should also know that the wooden embroidery hoop is highly recommended for making lovely embroideries.

Take note that choosing a hoop depends on the size of your embroidery-making task. The hoop should fit around your fabric with a little extension.

You want the fabric to hold firm to the hoop, but not so tight because the material could get punctured when you run the floss through. It is preferable to use a hoop that fits comfortably in one hand while you can make stitches with the other hand.

The embroidery hoop’s aim is to keep the fabric within it, and typically to maintain a mildly tight drum. In most embroidery, it is preferable to keep your material, drum-tight – that is, if you tap it with your fingertips, it sounds more like a drum.

A good embroidery hoop should be sturdy and cannot be easily bent out of shape. If you are deciding to use birch-wood for your hoop, then you are moving in the right direction. The birch wood is a natural and finely finishedpiece; there are no splinter pieces that can pinch your threads or penetrate your fingers.

Brass is a good recommendation for the hardware. Brass materials are strong and durable; they don’t bend, no matter how much you tighten the screw.

The wooden hoop should not frame the entire embroidery pattern, it can be larger or smaller, but ensure to remove the hoop from the project in between stitching sessions — the hoop could leave a permanent marking on your fabric.

Depending on the weight of your fabric, you should also consider the depths of your hoops. For a medium-sized fabric, a thickness of 5/8″ is appropriate, while for heavier fabrics, a 7/8″ deep hoop is preferable.

What If Your Wooden Hoop Is Too Big?

You probably bought a hoop or even designed one yourself, and you find out that your fabric is too small to fit in your hoop, then what do you do? There are 3 things you can do to correct this,

  • Don’t use a hoop; you can stitch with your hand
  • Buy a smaller hoop or design something smaller
  • You can also use the technique below,

Find some extra fabric that can fit in your embroidery hoop. Attach your embroidery fabric to the middle of it and make sure it is securely held in place on all four sides. You can use a large backstitch for this.

Then put the smaller, inner hoop on a hard surface. Lay the fabric on the ring with the embroidery fabric facing up, then push the outer ring down on the top of the inner ring. Turn the entire piece over and carefully cut away the extra material where it covers the area that you will embroider with a small but sharp pair of scissors.

Once you have completed your embroidery, you can remove the work from the hoop and cut the basting stitches.

The importance of beautifying your homes, children’s nursery, and even your place of work cannot be over-emphasized. Moreso, there is a common saying “Be faithful to your taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style” therefore, using your wooden embroidery hoops doesn’t make you old-fashioned but simply creative. All you need is a quality design for your embroidery, and you are good to go.

Related Questions

How Tight Should An Embroidery Hoop Be?

An embroidery hoop should only be tight enough to hold your fabric in place. If it is excessively tight, you could damage your fabric while stitching.

What Can I Use If I Don’t Have An Embroidery Hoop?

For some reason, you might not have access to an embroidery hoop and equipment to make one. You can still make fancy stitches on your fabric using a scroll frame. It helps you maintain fabric tension, and it is also handsfree.

You can also use the hand embroidery technique, which requires a good level of practice.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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