How to Make Lettuce Edge Hem With Serger

You will discover sewing clothes on your own comes with a ton of fulfilling benefits. One such use is being able to tailor your garments to your specific requirements.

As a DIY expert, you may believe in adding bits of details to your garments as you come across different hemming designs. Yet, one hemming design stands out (Lettuce Hem). Continue reading this post to find out how to make lettuce-edge hem with Serger.

How to Make Lettuce Edge Hem With Serger?

So, to come up with a lettuce hem, you need to incorporate a stretch while sewing. Be sure to do a sample test to determine your prowess before embarking on the whole project.

Stretch your fabric and observe the nature of the curls formed. After that, sew your garment by following the circles formed on the upper side of your fabric.

Settings to Use on Your Serger When Making a Lettuce Hem

Differential Feed: Determine the suitable differential feed to use; One is often helpful, and anything above one will distort the curls.

Stitch Length: The recommended stitch length is in the range of 0.5to 1. Be sure to set it halfway so that the stitches are close to each other as you continue sewing.

Needle Position: Adjust the part of the needle to achieve desired stitches.

Width: Determine the correct measurement of the width to use. The width you chose should determine the nature of stitches you will make.

Upper Knife Position: Ensure that the knife is in place to cut the fabric according to the width you want.

2-Thread Converter: Note that you should leave the converter on top of the stitches of your garment.

Needle Plate Knob: Be sure to lower the knob so that you achieve a clean roll around the trim of your cloth.

Now that you have everything set, you should consider carrying out a simple test on your Serger to confirm that all the settings are up and running.

5 Steps to Follow When Making a Lettuce Hem With Serger

Step 1: Making Straps

This step entails bringing together the edges of your garment to form a strap.

Make a series of long stitches and leave them on your Serger machine. Hold the strap side by side and lay the stitches at the point of intersection of the garment.

Place the edges of your fabric inline and stitch them from the above. Ensure the series of stitches you created are not held in between the Serger while sewing. Note that the width of your fabric should be narrow enough to enable you to turn the straps with much ease.

Detach the strap from the Serger by using the hanging stitches. Be cautious when you are removing the stitches to avoid any breakages. Use the right tool to help you remove the stitches.

Step 2: Joining the Seams

In this stage, use your Serger to Join the seams of your fabric. By doing this, it may save you time and energy doing double work.

Firstly, ensure you carry out a test as pertains to the allowance of your fabric by identifying and putting the lines of your stitches in a proper hem.

Make a fold of your fabric into two halves to enable you to carry out the test Smoothly. Be sure to set the right breadth and length with the differential standard of your Serger.

Align the edges of your fabric with the marks you made above besides the needle. Attach the seams using a Seager.

Begin sewing from the top of the fabric while strictly following the markings on the fabric. Ascertain whether the seam you have made meets set standards. Check thoroughly for any distortions on the garment and make corrections where necessary.

Go over the whole procedure highlighted above until you have a suitable allowance that you will use for your project.

Step 3: Making a Three Thread Rolled Hem

You can easily make curled hems using an Overlocker. The curls represent the final touch and look of your fabric.

Confirm from the manual how to go through the removal of the needle. Note that this will depend on the nature of your garment. Detach the right needle from the Serger.

Choose the correct width to work with through the whole process. Be sure to use a Serger thread in your needle to achieve consistent results.

Step 4: Making Loops and Button Loops

You will need to create loops where necessary; follow the instructions highlighted above regarding a three-thread hem. Use the correct thread for the circles; you want the curls of your garment to be strong, so be careful when selecting a line to use.

Step 5: Creating a Lettuce Hem

This step will involve the use of a Serger to a greater extent. So you should be able to use your Serger or commit more time to learn about the usability of this type of machine.

Most fabrics stretch in a single direction only, so sew a lettuce hem on them; you might consider using stretches. Note that in this case, your garment needs to stretch back and forth as you sew on it to create a wavelike finish.

If you are keen enough, you might be able to notice that your piece of cloth will begin forming curls on the outer edges. You will use this curly appearance to create a lettuce hem.

Note that you may need to perform tests on your fabric by pulling it on either side and examine the nature of the curls formed. It is helpful to use loops on the upper side of your garment as you sew.

Take out a little cutting of your fabric and run a test before beginning the whole exercise. Doing a test will enable you to have the correct setting for your entire project.

Place the garment beneath the presser and begin pulling your fabric on either side while maintaining equal force.

At this time, you may notice that the Serger is creating even stretches on your fabric. While maintaining the position of the presser at the central point, start creating zigzag stitches along the edge of your fabric.

Note that as the fabric begins to retract to its initial shape, the stitching line would cause it to lengthen somehow. That’s because curves form at the edges of your material, and there you would have created a lettuce trim.

Key Points to Note When Making a Lettuce Hem

  • Run a test on your fabric but be sure the Serger stretches your material to a maximum length. It would be best to adjust the differential feed to a much lower rate.
  • Be sure that the final fabric shape is more like the edges of a lettuce leaf.
  • Push the fabric slowly to create a wavelike edge (lettuce-edge hem)
  • You want to produce a finish of lettuce hem on your material, so you should ensure you get it right when sewing the edges.
  • Be sure to select the right needle for your project. Using the right needle for different fabrics will save you many unforeseen outcomes while carrying with your project.
  • Select the suitable fabric on which you want to sew your lettuce hem. You might consider going for lighter to medium fabrics and avoid heavy materials. You may realize that trying to sew a lettuce hem on heavy garments comes with many disadvantages.
  • Consider sewing your lettuce hem by strictly following the grain formation of your fabric.
  • Avoid woven fabrics. You may find it a little hard to create a lettuce hem on woven edges.
  • It would help to be more consistent while sewing a lettuce hem to achieve desired results. You might want to exercise your fingers and feet a little more to build upon your coordination abilities.
  • Be sure to apply light even forces while pulling the fabric to minimize the chances of having an uneven finish.

What Is a Lettuce Hem?

It refers to a distinctive hem design that resembles a lettuce leaf. The edge of this design is wavy and curly. This type of design produces a distinct finish that is attractive and beautiful.

Note that the lettuce hem can be used interchangeably with the term lettuce trim or lettuce edge to give the same meaning. You can easily create the lettuce hem design on your fabric by making neat pulls on your fabric and stretching it as you continue sewing your garment.

The result would be a wavelike appearance at the edges of your cloth. But, there are many other ways to create a lettuce design on your fabric.

What Type of Fabric Is Commonly Used for Making the Lettuce Hem?

By now, you have a clue on what a lettuce hem is, and probably, you’ve come across different clothing with this type of hem finishing on them. So, lettuce hem is applicable in various fabric patterns, some of which would be lettuce hem top and edge dress.

Moreover, you can use any clothing with edges (armholes, necklines, ankle areas, skirts, etc.) Even more, you can see it on scarves and headbands.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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