How To Fix Cat Claw Holes In Leather

Cats, who doesn’t love having them? They are one of the best pets to have around. So, if you have a cat, your favorite thing will also be their favorite, for example, leather furniture. 

Your leather furniture might be just the place where your cat will spend most of its time. But they will also scratch and work their claws on it. In return, you will find a leather finish, which is less attractive.

To assure the leather furniture is returned to its former glory, you have to eliminate all the holes and scratches caused by your feline friend. 

But the real question is? How to eliminate these claw marks and holes? Well, there are several ways to do so. You only have to look for a method that will take less time and deliver a positive outcome.  

How To Fix Cat Claw Holes In Leather?

To repair the claw hour cat on leather furnishers or items, you can use a leather balm and a leather binder. The leather balm will help in blending the color within the holes. 

Although the balm might eliminate the roughness, it will disguise them. Using the leather balm is pretty simple and easy as you do not need any extra skill or not knowledge to use it.

But if you want to know how to apply the balm in detail, the information provided in this document will serve as your guide. 

Repairing the claw marks on the leather will be pretty straightforward. You do not require many products or items. 

But if you are first-time and never fixed or repaired cat claw marks or holes before, the steps provided below will help you. 

Step 1: Prepare The Damaged Area

Your leather furniture or item might have suffered plenty of damages due to the holes and scratches. But before you move forward to repair it, you must clean the leather with a leather cleaner.

There are numerous high-quality and branded leather cleaners out there, and you can use the one you like. With the leather cleaner, you will easily get rid of all the grime and dirt present on the leather.

Remember, the areas covered with cat claw holes and scratches are pretty significant. So, you must clean the area correctly and without missing out on any spot.

Step 2: Cut Off All The Loose Fibers

Once you have completed the cleaning work, you must use scissors to slowly trim out all the loose fibers present in the affected area. 

Ensure to remove only the longer fibers, and there is no need to trim out the short fibers. The shorter fibers will not make the area look bad even after it has been repaired. 

Also, when you are using the scissors, please do not create any further damage. Use the scissor gently and adequately. 

Step 3: Put The Leather Binder

Now, you have to apply the leather binder to the affected area. Take a sponge and pour the binder onto it. After that, use it to the affected area. Make sure to apply the binder throughout the entire place. 

Once you have applied the binder, let it dry. To ensure that the repair stands out as a durable and strong one, use the leather bind 8 to 10 times. 

Also, please don’t take too much time when applying the next; you must do it immediately when the previous coating is partially dry. 

Step 4: Sand The Affected Area

When you have applied the leather binder on the area with holes and scratches, you need to sand it out using sandpaper. 

You can easily find sandpaper in the market as they are available everywhere. 

When you sand out the affected area, it will give a smooth finish. Apart from that, the holes will also not be that visible anymore. 

Make sure to rub the sandpaper gently and press on at the areas that have small holes.

Step 5: Apply Heavy Filler

When you have to apply the heavy filler, quickly clean the area if it carries any residue after completing the sanding work. After that, you can use the heavy filler on that scratched or clawed area.

Also, when applying the filler, make sure to use a palette knife. Leave the filler to dry for at least 20 minutes to 25 minutes and apply more coatings. 

When applying the additional layers, put them on the areas that have holes. It’s one of the best ways to get rid of them once and for all.  

Step 6: Using The Sandpaper Once Again

Now that the heavy filler has completely dried off, it’s time for you to sand the area one more time. Once you have completed the sanding work, you can wipe the area with an alcohol cleaner. 

Doing so will help in removing all the dust and dirt from that damaged area. It will also remove any residue present in that area with no hassle. 

Step 7: Apply The Colorant

When you have applied the alcohol cleaner, let it dry out, and then use the colorant. Don’t just pour the colorant on the damaged area. Take a sponge, pour the colorant on it, and then apply it over the damaged area. 

Make sure you apply it on all the corners of the scratched part. Also, after you use the colorant, you will find some of the holes and claw marks are pretty much visible, which you thought were healed.

You can apply the filler again and sand it down. After that, you can re-apply the colorant on it. 

Step 8: Spray-On The Colorant

When you have coated the area several times with the colorant, it’s time for you to airbrush or spray on it. To build the layers of coating on the colorant, begin with thin layers. 

Don’t forget to give the previous coating to dry before you apply the next one. You are free to use as many layers as you want so that it blends perfectly with its surrounding and conceals the repair. 

Step 9: Apply The Finish

Finally, you can now apply the lacquer on the leather as your repair work is complete.

When you apply the lacquer, it will help in sealing the color. You can use the super seal and apply it with a sponge. 

You can coat the area around three times to 4 times, and in return, you will receive a robust and flexible finish. Make sure to apply the leather finish around four layers to 5 layers. 

Reasons To Fix The Cat Claw Holes In The Leather Furniture/Object

Holes and scratches made by your cat on your leather item or furniture might destroy its look. 

Even though it’s a brand-new item, it will look old and worn out because of the claw marks. 

To make sure to look up-to-date, repairing the cat claw marks on the leather furniture will be the right thing to do. 

On the other hand, when you repair your leather-made item, it will also make it last for a long time. Even leather comes with a long-lasting feature. 

It will make the furniture item look good and enhance your home’s interiors with no hassle. 

How To Fix Minor Claw Marks Or Scratches On Leather

When you want to repair some minor issues on your leather furniture or item, you can use saddle oil, olive oil, or baby oil. 

All these products are pretty effective, and it’s recommended that you use any one of them. You need to pour the oil into cotton and then gently apply it to the scratches or holes. 

Make sure the oil dries off completely before you think of applying another coat. When you use oil on the scratches, it will absorb it and cause the area to darken. 

You can also use rubbing alcohol to fix these minor issues if you do not have the oils. Take cotton or sponge, and dip in rubbing alcohol. 

You can also pour the product on the sponge or cotton if you want. After that, you can rub it in one scratched area and fix the issue. Do it at least 3 to 4 times so achieve the best results. 

How Can I Stop My Cat From Scratching On Leather?

Well, you can divert your cat’s attention towards something, which is much more fun and exciting. For instance, you can bring in a scratching stand and spray or rub it with some catnip odor. 

Doing so will prevent your feline friend from scratching or making holes in the leather furniture. You can also discourage your cat from scratching the leather unless you have placed a blanket on top of the furniture item.

Covering the leather with a sheet or blanket protects it from cat claws. Also, you will not see any markings as well.

What Materials Do I Need To Fix The Scratches And Claw Marks?

The most important things you need are scissors, heavy filler, spray-on colorant, leather glue, leather sealant, and leather cleaner. 

You will also require a colorant, palette knife, sponges, and leather finishing product. 

On certain occasions, you might also require wet wipes, leather wipes, and fine-grit sandpaper. Items like distilled water and spatula are optional, and you can use them if you want to.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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