How To Fix A Hem That Rolls Up
Quite often, the hem of your clothes may roll up. It is quite uncomfortable when you have a shirt or blouse whose hem can’t stay down. You need to keep rolling it down to fit it in place. Or, opt to wear a different garment.
You can easily fix a hem that rolls up. You don’t have to throw away your clothes just because of an unstable hem.
How Do You Fix A Hem That Rolls Up
There are many ways you can use to fix a hem that rolls up. The easiest and fastest way to fix a hem that rolls up is to use a fusible. Turn your garment inside out, fix the fusible under the hem, and fix the hem as it should be. Then, iron the hem onto the fusible under high heat.
Method 1: Using A Fusible
Step 1. Turn your garment inside out. This helps you to have a clear visual of the hem you are working on. You can see where all the stitches of the hem go and may have a clear understanding of the cause of the roll-up on your hem.
Step 2. Measure the seam allowance of the hem on your garment. With your sewing ruler, measure the distance between the bottom of the hem and the length of the hem seam. Make sure to record the seam allowance length.
Step 3. With your seam ripper, rip apart the hem seam. Then cut off the excess threads to make your hem neat and easy to work with. Iron the ripped-up hem to make it as neat as possible before you start working on it.
Step 4. Depending on the material of the fabric you are working on, get the right fusible. If the fabrics are heavy, use a medium-weight fusible. For lightweight fabrics use a lightweight fusible. The right fusible ensures that you will get a smooth hem.
Step 5. Cut out a piece of fusible that is equal to the length of the fabric. It should also be double the length of the seam allowance. Make sure that you have the right fusible for the garment that you are repairing.
Step 6. Iron on your fusible on the entire length of the hem. All around your garment. This must be done on the wrong side of the garment. Make sure that it covers the entire hem by fusing it along the entire bottom of the hem.
Step 7. With the fusible in place, fold the hem into place. It won’t be as easy as without your fusible. Fold it slowly and carefully, ironing or pinning the fold of them as you move around the entire garment. Until you have the entire hem fixed.
Step 8. Bring your folded hem to your sewing machine. Sew your hem at the original length of the seam allowance. Make a firm stitch. Now, your stitch and the fusible will make sure that your hem won’t roll up anymore.
Step 9. Cut off any excess fusible on your garment to make it neat.
Method 2. How You Do Your Laundry
Step 1. Wash your garment just normally. Make sure to use the right detergent for its color and fabric.
Step 2. The only difference will come in the way you dry your garments. Many laundry and sewing experts have opined that drying clothes in high heat and can cause hems to roll up. Thus you will need to change how you dry your clothes to fix the hem rolling up on your garments.
Step 3. Machine dry your garments for a shorter period. Use half the time it takes you to dry your garments completely. Also, make sure you do it on a lower heat than usual so that your garments are still a little bit wet.
Step 4. Take your garment off the dryer and air dry it for the remaining part. While doing this, make sure that you flip the hem that rolls up to its normal position. Flip it down and fix it as it should be. Laundry experts agree that how your garment cools is how it is going to stay.
Method 3. With A Steam Iron
Step 1. Turn your garment inside out. Then unroll the hem that rolled up and try to get it as flat as it can go. This helps to straighten the garment’s fabric fibers that may have been affected by the heat in the machine dryer.
Step 2. Bring your hot steam iron onto the flattened-out hem. Iron the hem as try to stretch it as far as possible. Blast steam onto the hem as you iron. Iron the hem in parts and repeat this process for each part as many times as possible until you have a flat hem.
Step 3. Make sure to steam iron all around the hem of the garment. And, make sure to stretch it as far as possible as you iron.
Step 4. If your iron doesn’t have steam settings, you can iron the garment while it’s still a bit damp. This allows for the wetness to form a steam effect when the hot iron hits it. You can place a piece of fabric between the garment and the iron to ensure that you don’t burn your garment. Press the iron on as hard as possible to pass the heat through the fabric and straighten the hem as far as it can go.
Step 5. Depending on the weight of the fabric of your garment, you will straighten the rolling up hem in a few minutes with your steam iron. For fabrics such as denim, you will need more time to straighten the hem.
Method 4. Using A Hair Straightener
Step 1. First, make sure that the plates of the hair straightener are clean. You don’t want to be going out with strands of hair hanging off the hems of your clothes. Cleaning the hair straightener must be done when it’s cool. Clean it thoroughly removing all traces of hair oil and hair. This helps to avoid stains on your clothes.
Step 2. Depending on the type of fabric whose hem you want to straighten, set different heat levels on your hair straightener. For a light fabric, use low heat, For a heavy fabric, such as denim you can use the highest heat settings on your hair straightener.
Step 3. Bring your garment to the plates of your hair straightener. Place the garment in the straightener and then pull on the rolled-up hem as gently as possible. Run the plates of the hem until you have it straightened out as far as possible.
Step 4. The hair straightener is a quick alternative to using an iron to straighten a rolled-up hem. It’s a handy steamer that will have all your wrinkled and rolled-up hems straight in a short while. It will do for your clothes as it does for hair. You can use it when setting up the iron and ironing board is a tough task. It also gets very hot. You should take lots of care when using it.
Why Do Hems Roll-Up?
Hems roll up for many reasons. One of the most common reasons is the quality of the fabric of your garment. If you have a poor quality fabric for your garment, you will find that, even after ironing it as straight as possible, the hem will roll up.
To avoid this, you will have to buy better quality clothes. Look for stronger fabrics that hold stably once they are ironed.
Another reason why hems roll up is laundry methods. When you dry your garments with high heat, this affects the fabric of the garments. Many times, hems of garments that roll up were dried at high heat.
To solve this, dry your clothes in low heat. Or, airdry them. This helps to keep the quality of the fabric intact and prevents hems from rolling up when the clothes are dry and worn.
How To Keep A Knit Fabric Hem From Rolling Up
Knit fabrics, such as sweaters and knit blouses have hems that roll up from time to time. This occurs most times when you have just washed them. There are several ways in which you can solve this problem.
One, you can add a fabric backing on your knit fabrics hems. Turn your knit garment inside out. Select a piece of fabric, wash, dry, and iron it. Measure the length of the hem and cut from your fabric a piece of similar length. Then sew it along the entire length of the hem. This will help keep your hem straight and flat.
Second, you can top-stitch your knit fabric down. When doing this, make sure to use a twin needle. It helps to maintain the stretch of the knit fabric.
You can also prevent the hem of your knit fabric from rolling up by air drying it after laundry or auto-drying it in low heat.
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