How Long Does It Take to Cross Stitch

No one wants to spend hours, days or even months working on a project. We all want to finish fast and move to the next one, right?

Like any other stitching, cross stitching increases the speed with increased inexperience. So, the more you cross-stitch, the more you gain momentum.

Yet, it may feel cumbersome and take forever to complete the beginners’ project.

How Long Does It Take to Cross Stitch?

You may be planning on a big cross-stitching project, and you feel discouraged. You worry about your slow speed and how long it will take you.

If you are still new to cross-stitching, then do not start big. Thus, start with small projects that will gain your skills and experience and encourage you.

Once you finish the small project you embarked on, you will feel proud of yourself. Now you are ready to start on the new big project.

At What Point Should You Finish Cross Stitching?

at what point should you finish cross stitching

How long it will take to finish cross stitching will depend on your commitments and the pattern’s size. What’s more, your speed is also a significant determinant here.

You can choose to give yourself daily targets for your project or work towards finishing.

Moreover, setting targets is good because it will enable you to know when you will finish your stitching. But, cross-stitching without targets may not give you a precise approximation period.

How long you should finish cross stitching will also depend on how well prepared you are. So, always start by collecting your ideas, collecting the tools needed, and setting a date.

As a result, preparing all you need for cross stitching in advance will make your project go faster.

How to Speed Up Your Cross-Stitching Process?

Improving your cross stitching speed will need you to apply a few tricks and see what works better for you. There are several tricks, but your creativity too is essential.

So, you may want to try the tips below to help you cross-stitch twice as fast.

1. Collect All the Tools Before Cross-Stitching

collect all the tools before cross stitching

Ensure you collect everything you need in advance before you start cross-stitching. You will slow down if you have to keep stopping to go for a tool you forgot.

If you plan to use different thread colors, then collect all of them prior. Always make a list of everything you need for your cross stitching project and collect it before.

Before you start cross stitching, go through your list to ensure you have everything.

2. Plan and Stay Ready

When you plan and stay organized, your process is smooth and faster. Planning everything in your life, including simple cross-stitching, will save you time.

You may arrange to have your first 2 hours of your morning to do a few stitches. Fix a time for your cross stitching in your busy daily schedule.

Besides, ensure you strictly follow the timetable, and you will achieve your cross-stitching targets.

3. Use Short Lengths of Thread

use short lengths of thread

Using long threads will keep entangling and forming knots that you will need to undo every time. Having to stop and undo knots every time will, in turn, slow down your cross stitching speed.

Thus, always ensure you don’t cut your threads longer than 3 feet. You can choose to do a little bit longer than that, but at least not too long.

4. Use a Cross-Stitching Hoop

A hoop has always been an essential tool in cross-stitching. Using a hoop, especially when you are a beginner, will save you from holding your fabric and stitching.

As a result, holding your fabric with a hoop will give you the option of cross-stitching with both hands.

5. Using Both Hands to Cross-Stitch

using both hands to cross stitch

You will notice a considerable difference between using one hand and both hands to cross-stitch your fabric. Using both hands will mean one hand will stay at the hoop’s bottom to stitch back up.

Likewise, the upper hand will be stitching downwards. It will make your cross stitching faster because the hands will be moving faster.

6. Make Yourself Comfortable

Working in uncomfortable surroundings and postures will slow down your cross-stitching process. Also, avoid distractions like having to stop and attend to other things first.

A bad sitting posture is not only bad for your health but may slow you down. Thus, you need to make yourself comfortable and sit in a pose that will help you stitch faster.

7. Invest in a Stand

invest in a stand

As a beginner, you may have never thought of something like a stand. Perhaps you have been cross stitching for a while, but you don’t know the importance of a frame.

Thus, buy a lab stand that you can sit on or a floor stands to improve your stitching speed and posture. Floor stands are more stable than lab stands, so you may opt to buy one.

Likewise, lab stands will work well when sitting on a sofa or using a table. You will need to sit on the paddle for stability for lab stands.

Buying stands may sound like another extra budget, but it’s worth it. You will appreciate it as you work on more and more projects.

8. Start With the Bottom Stitches

There are two methods you can apply when cross-stitching. The English style is where you choose to work on one complete cross stitch at a time.

It has many back and forth processes looking at the design as you stitch.

The Danish method is faster. It will need you to work on the bottom stitches first and then complete the top stitches.

Danish process allows working with rhythm and covering significant areas to improve stitching.

Work with one color of thread at a time. It will give you space not to keep going back to your chart to refer to after every stitch.

Moreover, it should be easy, especially when you are not working on a complex project.

9. Learn the Thread Parking Technique

After finishing working on an area, pack the threads. Parking your thread means tucking away the threads before working on different colors.

Parking the threads means pulling them through holes that you will stitch next. Moreover, parking works well when you are using different colors to cross-stitch.

In short, parking your threads will ensure they are secure and do not distract your stitching. But you do it in a systematic way to avoid ending up with messy work.

10. Use the Sewing Method to Cross-Stitch

Well, the sewing method of cross-stitching means sewing two stitches at a time. You will not need to use a hoop here.

You will hold your fabric in your hand, which will make it flexible to do two stitches at a time.

Using the sewing method speeds up the process by cutting into half the number of stitches you make. It will also cut on other costs like buying a stand and a cross-stitching hoop.

11. Put Some Music On

Have you ever tried to work with some excellent music in the background? Well, you should try.

But this will apply more to music lovers. Work moves faster when you are listening to music and working.

You can apply this technique in cross stitching too. Pick some soothing playlist in the background before you start cross-stitching.

It kind of works like a motivation, and before you know it, you have done so much stitching.

12. Prepare the Fabric for Cross Stitching

Cut your fabric and thread into the correct sizes you will need to use for the whole stitching process. You can also split thread strands and set them ready to only be threading when needed.

If you have a pattern, you will need to trace onto your fabric, trace it. Some fabrics will need washing and drying before starting to cross-stitch.

Materials like leather do not have cross-stitching holes. Thus, you will need to make the holes before stitching.

The number of stitches per inch will depend on how you decide to make your cross stitching holes. The number of stitching holes you will make will determine the number of cross stitches.

Stitching leather is faster because of the size of the stitching holes.

How Many Cross Stitches Can You Make in an Inch?

The standard fabrics used for cross stitching have evenly sized squares. For uniform-sized stitches, Aida and linen fabrics are appropriate for cross-stitching.

Aida and linen have squares that guide the cross stitching process. Each square represents one complete cross stitch.

Thus, the number of squares per inch will give the number of stitches per inch. A 14-count Aida means there are 14 squares per inch on the Aida. Hence, 14 stitches per inch.

Is Cross Stitch Faster Than Needlepoint?

According to the experience level, either stitch can be easier and faster than the other. Cross-stitching is easier and quicker for some people, while others will be contrary.

However, you will not need to make half the X when making needlepoint, speeding up the process. Needlepoint may also be faster because you don’t need to count the stitches to stay even.



I'm Jessica Flores, a professional fashion designer and an expert seamstress. Crafting has always been a deep-seated passion of mine, one that has flourished and evolved over the years. I've dedicated considerable time to both studying and practicing in the realm of fashion and sewing, amassing a wealth of experience and skills. It brings me great joy to share these insights and experiences with you all, hoping to inspire and foster a similar passion for the art of sewing.

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